There is a deeper area of the cave beyond the lower scar, this has not spawned any eggs and is very tight There is 2 Scars (upper and lower) connected by a small lavafall, the upper scar tends to have more eggs. Ice Wyvern Eggs do not spawn in the scar, they spawn in their own locations.In diesem Video zeige ich euch die 5 Locations wo man Ice Wyvern Eier findet.Koordinaten für faule Leute:1.They are all in really cold snow areas, with zone names like such as murder snow and murdermurder snow (hold down the H key in game to see the zone name and temperature) So first off, things you need to know before you go hunting for Frost Wyvern eggs on Ragnarok: There are 5 nest sites (that I know of) currently on the map.However, these methods will work for Scorched Earth and Valguero too, but won't be as applicable to the wyvern cave on Ragnarok Most of these that I am going to discuss concern the trench on Ragnarok. There are several ways to get wyvern eggs on the Ragnarok map of Ark Survival Evolved.

You can set a trap or kill them down near the site to grab the eggs Follow the co-ordinates to locate the Wyvern in the region. The above map as the exact point where you can find Ice Wyvern in ARK Survival Evolved Ragnarok.

The kibble can be used to tame Astrocetus, Griffin, Megalania, Rock Elemental, Thylacoleo, and Yutyrannus.